Wednesday, August 09, 2006

why are faction movies so successful in Tollywood?

Last weekend I was watching the telugu dubbed version of Sandai Kozhi, I was surprised at the extent of factionism in tamil movies. The faction fever has infected Kollywood too. Recollecting the dialogue from Pokiri - rayalseema, tata sumos and faction struggles lead to definite hits. I started thinking of the reason behind the tremendous success of these films. Is it because of the lack of action (use of adrenaline) in the daily life of most south Indians (few exercise, most of them lead a sedantary life) or is it much deeper than that? For millinea we have been systematically brain washed to be the sufferers in a feudal and a factionalistic society (Mahabharata is a family feud). This training cannot be undone in a day and these faction movies bank on these vestigial feelings. The success of these movies also means that we have a long way to go in breaking the shell.